WELLNESS for Corporate Employees:
Build meaningful, engaging and cost-effective employee wellness programs to ensure better employee outcomes with our digital solutions
With the rising healthcare expenditure in corporate sector there is an increasing interest in workplace for raising awareness about various diseases and a need to practice prevention in healthcare.
The ASSOCHAM report on Preventive Healthcare and its impact on Corporate Sector states that “One rupee spent on prevention saves Rs. 133 in absenteeism costs and Rs. 6.62 in healthcare costs”.
Preventive Healthcare and wellness programs can change employees’ behaviour, improve their health contiousness and work productivity
Are you keen to provide year-long employee wellness at a fraction of your insurance costs? Do you want to create exciting, engaging wellness programs?
By using Wellth solution, the enterprise gets a single platform to base all the wellness initiatives and also quantified information on health benefits and engagement levels.
You would know what percentage of your employee-base improved their health status, which interventions are working and so on.
The health station is available on-premise at organizations and accessible to employees all the time. The measurements are all non-invasive yet vital, which are all under the control of individual users, helping your employees improve their wellness quotient over time.

Economically active people spend on an average about one third of their time at the workplace. Employment and working conditions have powerful effects on health equity. Good working conditions can provide social protection and status, personal development opportunities, and protection from physical and psychosocial hazards. They can also improve social relations and self esteem of employees and lead to positive health effects.
The health of workers is an essential prerequisite for household income, productivity and economic development. Therefore, restoring and maintaining working capacity is an important function of the health services.
Health risks at the workplace, such as heat, noise, dust, hazardous chemicals, unsafe machines and psychological stress, cause occupational diseases and can aggravate other health problems. Conditions of employment, occupation and the position in the workplace hierarchy also affect health. People working under stress or with precarious employment conditions are likely to smoke more, exercise less and have an unhealthy diet.
Wellth Solutions offers regular proactive screening of the key vitals using HEALTHTRACK to detect much early, the lifestyle disorders and occupational health disorders, and will be helpful in preventing it much effectively.
Bundle policies with relevant wellness programs and incentives. Deliver these through apps that drive customers to lead healthier lifestyles, thus reducing claim ratios. Access health and lifestyle data and explore additional growth avenues.

Connect with a large client base and generate revenues through personalized and on-demand services. Leverage the HEALTHTRACK platform to upsell and cross sell and to run promotional campaigns more effectively than on social media channels
Comprehensively assess health of students with an easy, non-invasive technology, access network of doctors, hospitals, and nutrition experts to ensure the health of students and encourage healthy habits.
Access wellness programs and network of healthcare providers and health services for special schemes and benefits for large residential blocks.
Extend reach and influence of public health and wellness programs with our digital platform. In line with Digital India focus, leverage digital solutions based on HEALTHTRACK to achieve greater awareness of state-sponsored public health campaigns.